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Minutes of YLRA Fall Membership Meeting at Forts Folle Avione, Sept 9, 2017

(To be reviewed and approved at the Fall Membership Mtg in 2018)

At 12:50 pm President Jon Papke called the meeting to order. Jon Papke introduced Officer Mitch Olson and Tracker, the new police canine for Burnett County. Tracker will be 2 years old on Nov. 30, 2017. Tracker started working on the road May 31, 2017, with Officer Olson. The cost for Tracker was $9,000.00, training cost was $6,000.00, for a total of $15,000, paid mainly from donations and fundraising events in Burnett County. The Burnett County police department is looking for donations and fundraising events to support emergency medical costs for Tracker. A motion was made by Judy G. to donate $2,000.00 for Tracker’s expenses. Jerry Vogel seconded the motion, motion approved. Secretary’s report – Secretary Jim Buhil was absent, so Ed Collova made a motion to accept the minutes from last year. Dave seconded the motion, motion approved. Treasurer’s report – Marie King gave the treasurer’s report. Tom Lunde made a motion to accept the report. Tim McGannon seconded the motion, motion approved. Election of board - Ed Collova made a motion for the election of YLRA board directors and alternates to go to a white ballot. Mike Morrison seconded the motion, motion approved. The elected YLRA Board Directors are: Jon Papke, Kent Warner, Jack Brunell, Tony Rutter, and Mary Smoliak. The alternates are: Brett Ewalt and Robert Schnickel. AIS – Ed Collova gave an overview of the weed harvesting of curly-leaf pondweed that took place on Little Yellow Lake. Ed Collova also said that a spraying for Japanese Knotweed on Yellow Lake took place this summer also. Jon Papke asked the membership for approval to spend up to $25,000.00 for weed harvesting of curly-leaf pondweed for the year 2018. Robert Savage made a motion to approve the request from Jon. Julie Cashman seconded the motion, motion approved. Meeting was adjourned at 1:50 pm. Submitted by Jim Buhil, Secretary, from notes taken by Kent Warner.

©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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