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Board Meeting Minutes October 8th, 2022

Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill

The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8am.

Present: Marie King, Jim Buhil, Mary Smoliak, Bob Savage, Ron Bourquin, Mike Singer, Deb Mlinar, Mark Koller, Nick Newton

Absent: Ed Collova and Dave O’Neill.

Secretary’s Report: Update & separate the notes from Members Meeting and Board Meeting. We will approve next week.

Treasurer’s Report: Report submitted. Motion to approve by Bob, 2nd Deb, motion approved. Note: We have a balance of $73,913.01, which is <-9,186.66> from last year.

New Business: Committee’s & Projects – Need Chairperson for each

Meat Raffle: Marie & Bob

Water Level: Jim & Ron

North Landing Dock in and out: Mark Koller, Bob & Ron

Water Testing: Ron

Decontamination Stations: Mark Koller, Bob & Ron

Clothing: Dave & Marie

Summer Picnic: Deb

Fall Membership & Elections: Marie & Jim

Newsletter: Deb & Marie

Web Site & Facebook page (online presence): Mary & Deb

Bridge: Mark (Deb will add article in newsletter with help from Mark)

Channel dredge & Rip-Rap- Bob (Mary will ask condo assoc to contact Bob)

Fish Limits- Mary & Deb (post in Newsletter-Deb)

Old Business:

Meeting dates and times- suggested weekday mornings or late afternoons. Will decide next week.

Vacations: Let Jim know what dates you will be gone this winter.

Wake Boats: DNR is proposing 70ft from shore due to erosion (see WI Outdoor News v29 #20).

Union township will put safety signs on bridge. Jim will get more signs for resident’s docks,

Current water level is 929.68

North landing: Ron will get bags to cover winch. Mark & committee will pull dock out after the fishing contest on Oct 14.

Mark, Ron, & Bob will shut down all decontamination stations after the fishing contest on the 15th.

Deb was added to sign on checking account.

Our cameras were used to locate a missing young girl in the area. Deb will add to newsletter.

The next YLRA board meeting is November 12 at the 10th Hole at 8:00 am.

Meeting adjourned: 9:45am, submitted by Deb Mlinar, Secretary.


©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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