Board Meeting Minutes September 10th, 2022
Location: Roundabout
The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 12:53 pm.
Present: Marie King, Jim Buhil, Mary Smoliak, Ed Collova, Bob Savage Ron Bourquin, Mike Singer, Deb Mlinar, Mark
Koller, and Dave O’Neill.
Absent: Nick Newton
Secretary’s Report: No official Secretary’s Report, meeting for officer positions.
Treasurer’s Report: No official Treasurer’s Report, meeting for officer positions.
Officer Nominations and Results:
1) President: Jim Buhil nominated by Marie, seconded Bob, and voted in unanimously.
2) Vice President: Bob Savage nominated by Mark, seconded Dave, Bob Savage was voted in unanimously.
3) Secretary: Deb Mlinar was nominated Marie, seconded Bob, and voted in unanimously.
4) Treasurer: Marie King was nominated by Deb, seconded Mark, and voted in unanimously.
5) All other Board positions and alternates remain the same.
New Business:
1) Vote on officers authorized to sign on checks. Motion made to add Deb Mlinar and Bob Savage by Marie,
Second Mike, passed unanimously.
Old Business:
1) All committees will be formed at the next meeting in October.
The next YLRA board meeting is October 8 at the 10 th Hole at 8:00 am.
Meeting adjourned: 12:57pm, submitted by Deb Mlinar, Secretary.