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Board Meeting Minutes August 13, 2022

YLRA Board Meeting August 13, 2022

Location: Bob Savage’s house



The meeting was called to order by Bob Savage at 8:08am.


Present: Bob Savage, Marie King, Deb Mlinar, Mark Koller, and Ron Bourquin.

Absent: Jim Buhil, Dave O’Neill, Mike Singer, Ed Collova, Nick Newton, and Mary Smoliak.

Secretary’s Report: Report submitted. Motion to approve by Marie, 2 nd Mark, motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Report submitted. Motion to approve by Deb, 2 nd Ron, motion approved.

Meat Raffle: Bob and Marie reported. We need a couple dates filled in August and September. We filled the

September date, still looking for someone for the last Saturday in August.


New Business:  

Newsletter: Finished, Marie will get it printed.

Yellow Lake Bridge: Bridge work will begin August 22 and will be finished by September 22, 2022. It will be

closed off to traffic completely part of the time it’s under construction.

Clothing: Marie updated. We will have more clothing available for purchase at the September Fall Membership

Picnic and election.

Fishing Limits: Mary posted it on our website and Deb posted it in our newsletter.

Sympathy Flowers: With the passing of Tim McGannon, the Board voted to spend $100 on flowers for his funeral.

Tim will be greatly missed. He was one of our greatest meat raffle volunteers. He was always there to share a

laugh and help out with anything. He was such a wonderful man.

Elections: Fall Meeting on September 10 will include elections for Board Member positions. The following

members are running for the five Board of Director positions for a two-year term and the two alternate Board of

Director positions to a one-year term: Jim Buhil, Mark Koller, Marie King, Deb Mlinar, Dave O’Niell, Ed Collova

and Nick Newton.

Fall Members Meeting: Roundabout will host this year. The board voted on spending $2500 for the food for the

Members picnic. Motion to approve by Mark, 2nd Ron, motion approved.

PonTunes: The board was approached to donate to the Little Yellow Lake Music Fest in July of 2023. We are

considering donating $1000 for the event. We will vote on it at a future meeting.


Old Business:

Yellow Lake Condo Rip-Rap: The Condo association will do the dredging and the rip-rap.

 Sanitizing sites: They have been busy. Bleach purchased.

North Boat Landing: Mark updated us- getting permit. The cost is $303.

Webster Fire Department: Motion to donate $1000 to the Webster Fire Department for the Jaws of Life was

made by Marie, 2 nd Bob, motion approved.

  Water Quality: Ron is waiting on updates from the DNR.

Meeting adjourned: 8:44am, submitted by Deb Mlinar, Secretary.

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