YLRA Board Meeting March 9th, 2024
Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill
The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:07am
Present: Jim Buhil, Mark Koller, Ryan Crosby, Mike Singer, Deb Mlinar and
Tom Schloer.
Absent: Marie King, Ron Bourquin, Mary Smoliak, Ed Collova and Dave
Secretary’s Report: Reports submitted. Motion to approve by Mike, 2nd by Mark, motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Marie is absent. We will table it until next month.
Old Business:
• Meat Raffle: We desperately need more people. People need to sign up
online. Deb will post on Face book and Mary will post on our website. We
will both post on some local group sights on Facebook. Deb volunteered
to help on St Patty’s weekend and Mary & Tom are working today.
• NO POWER LOADING signs are in. We have one for now from Burnett
County Lakes & Rivers Association. We can order more as needed.
New Business:
• Governor’s Fishing Opener- The link has been updated. Mark brought up
Porta-potties at the Boat Landings. Deb will ask Kevin Klucas if we have
funds for Porta-potties at each boat landing. We would like to see two at
each landing.
• We would also like a couple of people at each boat landing spraying boats
as they go in and out of the lake. In order to keep the line moving, we plan
to have two people do the spraying. Mark Koller volunteered to oversee
the landings. He will put together teams for each landing and keep them
stocked with bottles and bleach. He will need 8-10 people.
• Boat Landings- We are planning to start to clean up the landings early this
year, based on the warm weather. We will start with the Oakland (North)
Landing. It is in dire need of cleaning and repair. It is also seriously
shallow. We are trying to find out if the dam is going to let some water go,
as we were told on our Dam Tour last fall. That may be necessary in order
to use that landing.
The next YLRA board meeting is March 9, 2024, at the 10th Hole at 8:00am.
Meeting adjourned: 8:51 am - Meeting minutes submitted by Deb Mlinar –Secretary