YLRA Board Meeting May 11th, 2024
8:00 AM - Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill
The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:04 AM
Present: Mike Singer, Marie King, Jim Buhil, Ron Bourquin, Tom Schloer, Mark Koller, Ryan
Crosby, and Dave O’Neill.
Absent: Ed Collova, Mary Smoliak, Deb Mlinar
Secretary’s Report: Reports submitted. Motion to approve by Mike, 2nd by Ron, motion
Treasurer’s Report: Marie reviewed treasurers report. Overview $500 approved to the Village of
Webster for fireworks, We will receive bill from Hopkins. Mark made motion to approve
seconded by Dave, motion approved.
Old Business:
Governors Opener: Chuck Anderson gave an overview - 180 people attended the VIP dinner, 86
at breakfast, 66 lunches. Hotels were full. LT Governor outfished the Governor. The Tribe provided
the Event Center and meal. There was a total of 60 volunteers for the event.
Participants, sponsors, and meals served all doubled from previous year
New Business:
• Summer Picnic Update: June 8th at White Tail Wilderness. Cost will be $11.25 per person
for either Brats; Burgers with potato salad, chips and cookies or 2 piece chicken with
potato salad, chips and cookies -2 drink tickets to be provided. Marie made a motion to
go with chicken, vote was unanimous for chicken and approved. Check in time at 11:00 -
Lunch at noon.
• Swag: Mark and Dave will pick up swag for sale at picnic, Marie will try to order more
shirts and hats for picnic.
• Water Level: Current level 929.94, Water clarity at 14 Ft
• New process for changing panfish limit was discussed. This will be presented at the
summer meeting and/or outlined in the Newsletter. It was recommended limit changes
from 25 to 15 total.
• Mark discussed the depth gauge at the bridge. He will talk to Dan Haumschild, Dan's son
could possibly design the gauge.
The next YLRA board membership meeting, June 8th, 2024 at the Whitetail Wilderness. Check
in at 11:00, Lunch at 12:00 noon.
Meeting adjourned: 9:37 am - Meeting minutes submitted by Dave O'Neill (substitute for Deb Mlinar, Secretary