YLRA Board Meeting September 17th, 2024
Location: Jim’s Patio
The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 1:22pm
Present: Jim Buhil, Marie King, Ron Bourquin, Mark Koller, Deb Mlinar, Tom Schloer, Dave O’Neill
and Mike Singer.
Absent: Mary Smoliak, Ed Collova, Ryan Crosby.
New Business:
• Election of Officers: Jim made a motion for a White Ballot, since there were no changes in
Board Members. Dave 2 nd it, all officers will stay the same, as follows:
A) President: Jim Buhil
B) Vice President: Dave O’Neill
C) Treasurer: Marie King
D) Secretary: Deb Mlinar
E) Director: Mary Smoliak
F) Director: Mike Singer
G) Director: Mark Koller
H) Director: Ron Bourquin
I) Director: Tom Schloer
J) Alternate: Ryan Crosby
K) Alternate: Blake Hvambsal
Old Business:
• Reminder: Many of us plan to attend the event hosted by the Yellow River Protection
Conservancy “Improving Our Wetlands, Lakes, and Rivers” at Zhashagiins Event Center in Siren.
This event is open to the public and will be held on Friday, November 1, 2024 from 8:00am to
11:00am. We voted last month to donate $5,000 to the Yellow River Protection Conservancy to
go toward testing in Yellow Lakes and the River. We will present our donation once we receive
the report after testing for phosphorus levels in the sediment.
Meeting adjourned: 1:29pm
The next YLRA board meeting is October 12, 2024, at the 10th Hole at 8:00am.
Meeting minutes submitted by Deb Mlinar – Secretary